Encounter a series of real-life retail management scenarios. Players must make challenging supervisory-level decisions, attempting to maximize their store’s performance while keeping in mind the potential trade-offs in terms of profit, customer experience, and more.
McKinsey.org needed an experience to have an impact on adult learners maintaining employment and developing into management roles. Based on their existing educational materials, it is designed to integrate into their coursework seamlessly, including measuring every action against a rubric of four learning objectives.
Target platform was a Samsung Android tablet, developed in 3 months. The gameplay is a simple branching narrative; however, we also needed a tool to manage the content and had extensive metrics tracking with an xAPI server.
Unity 5.3.1, C#
Educational Game Disclaimer:
I love making educational experiences; however, as many of the products I build are not commercially available it has made it much tougher to share my work.
I’ve jumped through some contractual hoops, gotten approval, patiently waited out some clocks, and put together some materials on my own. If something feels obviously left out, odds are I cannot talk about it.